四月正是吃春季芦笋的时候!MULU穆禄四月份的西餐菜单推出了当季有机芦笋为主打汤。中餐菜单内用了芦笋配鱼片 - 爽口鲜甜。
除此之外,含有高纤维和蛋白质的芦笋还含有的inulin有助消化系统。早在2000年前古代印度的草药医学-阿育吠陀或生命吠陀医学 (ayurvedic medicine),已经把芦笋列为草药并被采用为治疗消化。直到18世纪路易十四统治期间在法国盛行。
The fleshy green spears of asparagus are both succulent and tender and have been considered a delicacy since ancient times. This highly prized vegetable of Lily family arrives with the coming of spring, and April is the perfect month to consume asparagus.
This April, MULU穆禄 is introducing its special spring asparagus soup for the Western menu and complimenting fish fillet for the Asian menu.
Asparagus has had 2000 years long history of use in India and other parts of Asia as botanical medicine. Many medicinal qualities of asparagus have been associated with phytonutrients present in its roots, and especially one type of phytonutrients called saponins. Saponins in food have repeatedly been shown to have anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties, and their intake has also been associated with improved blood pressure, improved blood sugar regulation, and better control of blood fat levels.
The high fiber and protein contents in asparagus help stabilize our digestion and keep food moving through us at the desirable rate. There is a long history of use of asparagus in Ayurvedic medicine, especially in relations to digestive problems. It got popular in France in the 18th century during the Louis XIV era.
Researchers have classified asparagus as a anti-cancer food. This plant is best eaten as cold salad or healthy sauteed.
MULU穆禄 cleverly uses asparagus in the making of its April Spring menu, not to be missed!
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