位於北京東城區老胡同內的穆祿私房菜館供應糅合中式與馬來風味的 菜式。館子的名稱源自馬來西亞婆羅洲一個以石灰岩洞聞名的地區 Mulu,而該區已被列入聯合國教科文組織的《世界遺產名錄》。
若想到這家餐館品嚐美食,最少要提早兩天訂座。大廳內的清代 桌子可以坐12人,另有以榻榻米佈置的小廳,可招待十位客人。 掌廚的大廚被大家暱稱為「寶桂媽媽」;她曾在台北經營傳統台菜 餐廳多年,廚藝了得。與寶桂媽媽一同工作的還有廚師李理,他曾 在多間五星級酒店任職,有十年經驗。
餐廳每兩星期轉換菜單一次,但客人可以隨時來一碗媽媽炮製的 牛肉麵和中式點心。馳名菜式包括︰馬來咖喱薯仔牛腩、醉雞和創 新口味的凱撒沙律。
BLENDING THE cuisinesof Malaysia and China, MULU Beijing is a private dining room located in a historic hutong, or alleyway,in the city’s Dongcheng district. The restaurant takes its name from a region of limestone caves in East Malaysia that has been inscribed on UNESCO’s World Heritage List.
Diners are advised to book at least two days in advance. The main dining room seats 12 people around a Qing Dynasty-era table, while a smaller tatami room has space for 10. In the kitchen, Pao-Gwei – or Mama, as she is affectionately known – heads up the cooking and draws on years of experience running a traditional Taiwanese restaurant in Taipei. Alongside her is chef Chester Li,who brings a decade of experience that includes various five-starhotels. Although the set menu changes every two weeks, diners are encouraged to ask for Mama’s beef noodles and Chinese pastries. Other dishes that have appeared on the menu include Malaysian beef curry with potatoes, drunken chicken and a deconstructed Caesar salad.
No 7. Xinsi Hutong, Dongsi Shiertiao Alley, Doncheng District, Beijing, China 100007
东城区 / 东四十二条 / 辛寺胡同 7 号
+86 (10) 6400 3627